At Brass and Bones Tattoo, we want to make sure you have the best experience and make the most of your appointment time. Please read through the information to make your time at the studio the best.

Leading Up to the Tattoo Day.
Make sure to drink lots of water leading up to and the night before the tattoo .Keeping yourself hydrated keeps your skin at its best and can aid in a better session!
-Please be well rested and make sure to have had a full meal before coming into the studio.
-Please shower, exfoliate the tattoo area, and if need be you are more then welcome to shave. Please refrain from Moisturizer any body oils /lotions or fake tanning products the day of the tattoo.
-If there seems to be any blemishes, acne, rashes, abrasions or sunburn to the tattoo area CONTACT THE SHOP IMMEDIATELY as we are not able to tattoo over any compromised skin and will need to rebook the appointment.
Please discuss with your artist before the appointment if your inquiring about using numbing products. Each artist is different and some creams we will not use.

Day Of Appointment
Day Of the appointment Please be on Time!
If your are late to your tattoo, you must let your artist no immediately. Arriving Late with no notice will not be tolerated and may end in cancellation of appointment and loss of retainer for that day. Even 15 minutes late can change the entire course of the day, please be respectful and contact your artist if there is any issues getting to the studio at your designated time.
-Please make sure that you have your day open and are not under any time limit . We have to take inconsideration stencilling, breaks and time to let the tattoo weep before you are bandaged. as well as the quoted time for the tattoo..
Please contact your artist days prior to the appointment if you are limited for time !
-We ask that you remove all outside footwear upon arrival at the studio, so please feel free to bring any slippers, socks or clean inside shoes with you so your not barefoot!
-We are Cash only at the studio , and all artists have to charge taxes on there hourly rates. Please contact your artist to discuss to be prepared for the day .
-We offer Water, Pop and Snacks at the studio for all clients, but please feel free to bring your own, especially if any specific dietary restrictions.
-Having a Tablet or phone with you is fine as a distraction ,but please know that certain positions or areas we are tattooing will need you to be hands free. Being active on your device can make it difficult or distracting so headphones are recommended.
-We are an open concept studio, we can offer privacy screens if needed.
-Due to being open concept we ask you come alone to your tattoo appointment, if support is needed we ask only one person comes with you.